RBQ License : 5654-8621-01 | Phone : 450 295-9344


RénoVert Tax Credit

Source : https://www.revenuquebec.ca Extension of the RénoVert tax credit The period of eligibility for the RénoVert tax credit has been extended to March 31, 2019, for all recognized work other than work related to the construction, renovation, modification or rebuilding of a system for the discharge, collection and disposal of waste water, toilet effluents or…
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Your house is airtight? Choose the best adapted ventilation

Source : http://legault-dubois.ca Your house is airtight? Choose the best adapted ventilation Winter is definitely here and the frequent presence of frost at the bottom of your windows suggests that you are experiencing a moisture problem in your home. You look on the web to find possible solutions, but this only brings you more questions……
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